Snack ideas!
This purchase is for TWO HANDOUTS on the 4 Item Snack list, consisting of 4 different food groups paired together using the Plate-by-Plate-Approach®.
This purchase includes BOTH:
1) The PHOTO SNACK handout which is a 2-page handout that consists of 18 snack ideas displayed with a PHOTO and text.
2) The TEXT Handout which is a 2 page handhout that consists of 20 snack ideas.
This listing offers a $5 discount on the purchase of these handouts together. Buy both snack handouts, and you will have have many choices for a 4-item snack at your finger-tips!
All sales are final.
**Please consult your treatment team for more specifics on what is right for you. This is not meant to serve as medical advice.
4-Item Snack Bundle (2 handouts - Photo & Text)