"Everyone is Saying I'm Fine But I am a F*#in' Mess."
First, lets start with the most obvious: “everyone” does not know more about you, than YOU. But here is why they probably didn’t see that...
"Everyone is Saying I'm Fine But I am a F*#in' Mess."
Yes, You Still Need to Eat When Having a Bad Body Image Day.
"Why is My Heart Rate Still Low if I am Weight Restored?"
Leaving for College? What Do You Need to Know
What is Your Eating Environment Like?
How Big Should the Plate Be?
Parents: Just Jump In!
Why Recover?
Why are my plates of food bigger than everyone else's?
Mealtime Talk
Is this Bringing You Joy?
Making a Deal with the Eating Disorder
©2023 by The Plate-by-Plate Approach®